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  • Lexington, MA
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oel Bernstein: Estate Law Is Sole Focus

Joel Bernstein is a highly respected estate attorney in Lexington, MA. He's specialized in making wills and living trusts, which are ways to manage and pass on your assets smoothly after you're gone. This kind of planning is crucial for reducing family stress during tough times.

Tax Law Knowledge

Joel's not just any attorney; he's got an advanced degree in tax law. This makes him super knowledgeable about how taxes can affect your estate. He ensures that your assets go to your loved ones instead of getting eaten up by taxes.

Educator and Writer

Joel also loves teaching others. He's traveled the country, giving talks on estate planning and how law intersects with technology. Plus, he's written over 20 articles since 1985, sharing his insights and helping people stay informed about legal trends.

Plain English Approach

A key part of Joel's work is his use of plain English in legal documents. He believes in making legal terms easy to understand. This way, his clients know exactly what their estate plans say, making the legal process less intimidating and more transparent.

In short, Joel Bernstein stands out not just for his legal skills but also for his dedication to educating others and making complex legal documents easier to understand. His approach ensures that estate planning is accessible and clear for everyone.

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Free 5-Day Email Course: MA Wills and Trusts